Danielle Fricke Danielle Fricke

RevOps is the fastest growing job in the USA…

I was pleasantly surprised when I read in Forbes, that Revenue Operations was the fastest growing job in America, but not totally amazed, as I know first hand how important the function is.

But I needed more validation, so I thought I’d join the new craze and ask ChatGPT. Here’s what it said:

RevOps, short for Revenue Operations, is quickly becoming one of the most in-demand job titles in the business world. This job function is a strategic, cross-functional approach to optimising revenue growth, combining sales, marketing, and customer success to achieve company goals. As companies continue to recognise the importance of revenue generation, RevOps is emerging as a vital role to ensure the success of a company’s revenue operations.

More and more businesses are identifying RevOps as the critical cog in revenue generation, and in a competitive and challenging market, it makes business sense.

ChatGPT goes on to highlight a few of the reasons RevOps is the fastest growing job title:

  • It aligns revenue functions: marketing, sales and customer success

  • It promotes a data-driven approach

  • It puts the customer first

  • It is focused on operational efficiencies

  • All businesses need revenue growth

The importance of the above, coupled with the recent social proof and fear of missing out (or being left behind) will further accelerate the growth and highlight the value and importance RevOps has on revenue generation for any business, in almost any industry.

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Darren London Darren London

The best movie to represent RevOps?

Michael Lewis’ Moneyball, a true story of how a small baseball team flipped the odds against the likes of the New York Yankees, by collecting, using and acting on data, hasn’t just inspired sports teams around the world, but has started to have a big impact in other industries.

RevOps’ goal is to align marketing, sales and customer success (fulfilment), to enhance the customer journey and maximise revenue. To evaluate the performance, organisations need to be capturing, recording and analysing data, at each step in the customer journey.

Armed with this information organisations can make amendments to their processes and to deliver a higher level of service. In this data revolution - spurred in sport by the Moneyball concept, RevOps is now changing the way organisations maximise revenue in the most customer centric and efficient ways.

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